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If you are a renter and want to buy a home, it is the right time to move. You will have more disposable income
if you are not paying rent to someone else. This is because mortgages generally cost less per square foot than
rental rates. Besides, moving into your own home is a big investment in your future. You will become a
permanent part of your community and expand your lifestyle in many ways when you own your own home.
1Pro Moving & Shipping company will work with from A to Z from packing, Moving in a fast and efficient way.
You Don’t Want to Climb Stairs Anymore
Most of us get to a point where climbing stairs throughout each day becomes a hassle. Maybe you suffer
painful joints or aching muscles and the stairs are wearing on your body. Or maybe you just want to spend less
time running up and down, when having one floor is so convenient. These are signs it is time to move into a
single floor dwelling or split-level with fewer stairs.
Maintaining Your Yard Takes Too Much Effort
Keeping up with yard work is a hassle for many of us. Others see it as an enjoyable experience. If you are part
of the “hassle” crowd, it makes no sense to have a home with a large yard. Instead of spending your Saturdays
doing outdoor work, it is probably a good time to move. A condo or townhome can offer the lifestyle you
really want, one where the gardening is done for you.
Your Costs Are Too High
If you are paying too much for your home each month, whether, on the mortgage or utilities, it is probably a
great time to move. The same is true if you cannot afford to maintain your home or keep it looking as great as
it should. Moving can mean finding a more manageable mortgage, better energy efficiency, and a home you
do not have to work so hard to maintain.
Moving Made Easy
Whether you need to move just down the block, across Canada or internationally , 1Pro Moving & Shipping
makes the process more affordable and stress free. we can move your household or business wherever you
need to go. Our most-served communities ranged from Vancouver to Abbotsford .